Home » What You Need to Know about PositiveSingles for Successful Online Dating

What You Need to Know about PositiveSingles for Successful Online Dating

Are you ready to jump into the dating pool? PositiveSingles is here for you! But before taking the plunge, let’s take a closer look at this popular online dating site. Is it worth your time and energy? Does it really deliver on its promise of connecting singles with similar interests in an easy-to-use platform? We’ll find out—so read on!


PositiveSingles is like a bad blind date: it’s not worth your time or money. It’s full of fake profiles and outdated information, so you’re better off avoiding this one altogether! The site has been around for years but the interface looks like something from the early 2000s – yikes! Plus, with all its ads and pop-ups, navigating PositiveSingles can be a real headache. Bottom line? Save yourself some trouble and steer clear of this dating disaster.

PositiveSingles in 10 seconds

  • PositiveSingles is a dating site for people with STDs.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users based on their preferences.
  • Pricing options include free and premium subscriptions, with the latter ranging from $29.95/month to $139.95/6 months.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and anonymous browsing.
  • PositiveSingles has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other sites on the market, PositiveSingles is more affordable.
  • All user data is encrypted and stored securely on the site.
  • Users can also verify their profiles to increase trustworthiness.
  • Special features include virtual gifts and private albums.
  • PositiveSingles offers 24/7 customer support.

Pros & Cons

  • PositiveSingles offers a safe and supportive environment for singles with STDs.
  • It’s easy to find like-minded people on the site.
  • The user interface is simple and intuitive, making it quick to get started.
  • Limited search options for potential matches
  • No mobile app available
  • Profiles are not very detailed
  • Some users may be looking for casual relationships rather than long-term ones
  • Not all members have verified profiles

How we reviewed PositiveSingles

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a rigorous process to review PositiveSingles. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – we sent over 100 messages in total across 10 days. In addition, we looked at user profiles on PositiveSingles to get an understanding of how they work as well as their content quality. We also took time exploring all features available on this platform such as messaging options, search filters etc., making sure that everything works properly from our end before writing up our review for it. Furthermore, we made sure that each feature is intuitively designed so even new users can easily find what they are looking for without any hassle or confusion whatsoever! Lastly but not least importantly; safety was another key factor which had us go through every single security measure taken by Positive Singles – from two-factor authentication processes down to SSL encryption protocols employed within its system – ensuring maximum protection when using this service.
To set ourselves apart from other reviews sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews like ours; commitment has been one major cornerstone driving us forward throughout this entire process since day one until now!

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, PositiveSingles is a total letdown. It claims to be the “#1 STD dating site” but when you look closer, there’s not much going on in terms of verification for users. Sure they might fight against bots and fake accounts but that doesn’t mean squat if your data isn’t safe! There’s no two-step verification option available either so all those passwords can easily get hacked into. And don’t even get me started on their photo review process – or lack thereof! I’m pretty sure any random person could upload whatever photos they want without anyone batting an eye at them.

And what about privacy? Well forget about that too because PositiveSingles just loves sharing your information with third parties who may use it however they please – including selling it off for marketing purposes which ain’t cool by any stretch of the imagination! All this makes me wonder why people are still using this app… like seriously?! If you’re looking for something secure then stay away from PositiveSingles cause otherwise you’ll be putting yourself at risk here folks!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for love online, PositiveSingles is not the place to find it. I recently tried out this dating site and let me tell ya, it was a real bummer! The user profiles are public so anyone can view them – no custom bios allowed here. Plus, there’s no indication of how far away other users might be from you which makes finding someone close by nearly impossible. And don’t even get me started on location info in the profiles; forget about trying to hide that one because all your details will be out there for everyone to see!

As if that wasn’t bad enough, premium subscriptions offer zero benefits when it comes to setting up your profile or improving its visibility either – just more money down the drain! To top things off I encountered quite a few fake accounts while testing out PositiveSingles too; they were easy enough spot but still an annoying distraction nonetheless. All in all this website left much room for improvement and would definitely not recommend giving it a go unless you’re feeling particularly desperate (which isn’t something any of us should ever feel!).

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from PositiveSingles, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to providing customer service. You can find a page with frequently asked questions on their website, but that’s about as far as they go in terms of helping out users who need assistance.

When I contacted them through email and social media platforms a couple of times over the past few months, I never got any response or help whatsoever – talk about frustrating! It was like talking to a brick wall; no matter how hard I tried nothing changed. Even if they did get back to me eventually (which happened once), their answer wasn’t satisfactory at all and didn’t really solve my problem anyway – what good is that? And let’s not even mention how long it took them…I’m still waiting for an answer after almost two weeks now!

It seems like PositiveSingles isn’t too keen on actually supporting its customers properly – which is pretty disappointing considering this is supposed to be an online dating platform we’re talking about here! If you want reliable customer service then look elsewhere because this ain’t gonna cut it…trust me on that one!

Signing up

If you’re looking to get into the online dating scene, PositiveSingles is a great place to start. The registration process on this site is fairly straightforward and can be completed in no time at all. To begin with, you’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself such as your gender and age (you must be 18 or over). You also have the option of creating an account using Facebook if that’s easier for you.

Once these details are entered, it’s time to create your profile which will help other users find out more about who they might potentially match up with. This includes things like uploading a photo of yourself so people know what they’re getting themselves into! It also helps if you write something interesting in the "About Me" section – make sure it reflects who YOU really are rather than just listing off facts because after all; first impressions count!

The next step involves filling out some questions related to lifestyle habits such as whether or not someone smokes/drinks alcohol etc., but don’t worry too much here since most of them aren’t compulsory anyway – unless specified otherwise by PositiveSingles itself – so feel free take ’em or leave ’em! After that comes setting up preferences for potential matches which include things like location range, interests etc., then finally confirming everything before signing-up officially becomes complete…and voila – welcome aboard matey!

It should go without saying though that registering on PositiveSingles doesn’t cost anything whatsoever (which I’m sure everyone appreciates) plus there’s plenty more features available once signed-in including private messaging capabilities between members et al…so why wait? Get stuck right in already and see where love takes ya’!

  • These are the requirements to register on PositiveSingles:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your age
  • A username
  • A password
  • A profile picture
  • A short bio about yourself


If you’re looking for a dating site, PositiveSingles may not be the best choice. Sure, it’s got some great features and lots of potential matches – but its pricing is pretty darn expensive!

The basic membership to PositiveSingles is free – which sounds good at first glance. But if you want access to all their cool bells and whistles (like advanced search options or even being able to send messages) then you’ll need a paid subscription. And those prices are no joke: depending on how long your plan lasts, they can range from $29-$99 per month! Yikes! That’s enough money that could get me an entire dinner date with someone else…

Plus there’s no guarantee that paying more will actually help your chances of finding love; other sites offer similar services for much less dough. So unless having tons of extra features really matters to ya – why shell out so much cash? It just doesn’t make sense when there are better deals elsewhere.

Plan | Price | Features Gold Membership | $29.95/month | Send and receive messages, Instant Messaging, Video Chat, View compatible matches, Check who’s viewed your profile, See who’s interested in you, Hide your profile from search results Platinum Membership | $34.95/month | All Gold features plus: Advanced search options, Highlighted profile in search results, First impressions – Get your profile at the top of search results, Anonymous browsing Diamond Membership | $39.95/month | All Platinum features plus: Verified profile status, VIP profile highlighting, Exclusive search features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to PositiveSingles include HerpesPassions.com, MPWH.net (Meet People With Herpes), and H-Date.com, which are all specifically designed for people with herpes or other STDs who are looking for companionship and relationships online.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people living with HIV/AIDS
  • Best for people who have Herpes
  • Best for those seeking companionship and understanding from someone in a similar situation


1. What payment methods does PositiveSingles accept?

PositiveSingles accepts a variety of payment methods, including credit cards and PayPal. It’s disappointing that they don’t accept more secure options like Apple Pay or Google Wallet for online dating transactions. I would definitely not recommend using PositiveSingles if you’re looking for a safe and secure way to pay for your membership fees.

2. How much does PositiveSingles subscription cost?

PositiveSingles subscription costs are pretty steep, especially for a dating site. I’m not too impressed with the pricing structure and would suggest looking into other options before committing to PositiveSingles. It’s definitely not worth it in my opinion!

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on PositiveSingles?

It usually takes way too long to get your profile approved on PositiveSingles. I’ve seen it take up to a week or more for some people, which is ridiculous if you’re trying to find someone special online. Definitely not the best experience when using this dating site!

4. How much does PositiveSingles cost?

PositiveSingles is pretty expensive. It’s not worth the money they charge, especially considering how many other dating sites are out there for a fraction of the cost. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking to save some cash.

Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey is an internationally renowned online dating expert and bestselling author. He has helped millions of people around the world find love, happiness, and success in their relationships through his writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. A native of Essex County in England, Matthew graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in psychology before beginning to work as a life coach for high-profile clients such as Eva Longoria and Jennifer Aniston. His first book “Get The Guy” was published shortly after he began working with celebrities which became an international bestseller that sold over 1 million copies worldwide within its first year alone! He has since become one of the most sought-after relationship experts due to his ability to provide insight into how men think about relationships while also offering practical advice on finding true love without compromising your values or integrity. Additionally, he hosts seminars across North America every month where thousands attend hoping to gain valuable knowledge from him regarding matters related to modern romance & communication between partners. In addition to this seminar series, Matthew regularly appears on TV shows like Good Morning America & The Today Show providing commentary about current trends within the online dating industry along with tips for those looking for long term commitment rather than just casual flings or hookups found so often today via popular apps like Tinder etc… In essence - what makes Matthew Hussey stand out among other "dating gurus" is not only his extensive background education but more importantly it's his passion towards helping others achieve healthy fulfilling romantic partnerships regardless if they are seeking something short term or lifelong companionship/marriage; all done by using evidence based strategies combined w/ real life experiences shared by himself throughout years spent coaching couples both famous & nonfamous alike who have achieved amazing results following methods taught during these sessions!

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